Dada's Sketchbook
but it's online

    2 min read

    Yes, this took a while. Good things take time. However, good is subjective, and I have now convinced myself that this is good; largely due to sunk cost fallacy. But Iā€™d be lying. I wanted to dabble into React, CMSs and deploying to the edge. This jump has been an immense learning experience in this regard.

    On the new blog, I intend to keep the repo public, where I have a list of to-dos as features. This is also why I switched to Astro šŸš€ and Markdoc.

    HUGO despite being lightning fast and having a decent developer experience has been difficult to link with a CMS. Adding to that, despite it's thriving community, I found troubleshooting tips and documentation a tad bit difficult to consume.

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